To jump in
To connect
To give back… & to always spread a little froghappy’ness!
Ask me about my mission. And please tell me yours.
Whether making a simple fun connection or taking on a big huge potentially life-changing project, there is nothing better than a pure moment of inspiration and joy. A moment of happy.
I’m lucky that I’ve had a whole bunch of opportunities to do fun things… that created many happy moments. From Boston, to DC, India, Italy, across the US & back 3x, to being back home with family in the small town where I grew up…. from business school to art school, coaching tennis and raising money for cancer research, I couldn’t feel luckier or more proud.
With that, like many, I’ve also experienced some serious heartache & come up against some crazy difficult life challenges. Not froghappy fun! One thing I know for sure is that it ain’t always easy (being green) …
The good news is those things propelled me to accept stuff, to see a bigger picture & to not only appreciate those happy fun moments whenever they popped up, but also to work hard to create, enjoy and share more.
The journey continues everyday. Both the personal and the creative journey. No matter what, it’s always about jumping in, connecting, creating, giving back and of course finding and spreading a little froghappy!
Ask me about my mission. And please tell me yours.